Monday 10 February 2020

Statement of intent

Centre number: 16339  Centre name: Great Baddow High School
Candidate number: 5137        Candidate name: Nathan Laville-Farrant

Brief Chosen: Music Video

How do you intend to use the four areas of the media theoretical framework to communicate meaning and meet the requirements of your chosen brief?

Product 1:

For my music video the target audience is 16-25-year olds and a POP song. Therefore, in order to communicate meaning within my video I made sure it was entertaining and visually appealing to watch. This includes a variety of different locations along with costume changes to keep the video entertaining throughout. The locations involved multiple camera angles and movements which fit the theme of the song. Also, the costumes consisted of modern styles to fit the character of my artist and, they contain some bright colours to keep up with the theme/representation of POP, being bright and colourful. In the video I have told a story of love through certain clips that match with song and used gender (male and female) to represent love. This is shown through the close-up scenes of the me and the female to show the intimacy within this relationship and to help elaborate of the theme I am trying to present. This is one of my representations I have presented. Furthermore, the video targets the demographic as 16-25-year olds want a song and video they can dance to. Therefore, the video contains dancing by me along with the female to help push forward that dance aspect of the video. The style is Hip-Hop which again incorporates the themes and styles that the age demographic would be used to.

Product 2:

On my website, I have tried to incorporate the same modern style as I have introduced on the video. Firstly, by using smoke grenades and bright colours it fits the POP representation of having everything bright, eye-catching and stylish. The site has two pages which I have finished to send in for marking which are the home page and the about. These pages include my video to help advertise my artists new music video and song but also it contains a variety of different pictures to see the true side of who my artist really is. The pictures are very colourful to keep with the POP representation and there is a brief description and video so that fans can get to know my artist in more detail. Furthermore, my website has its own link to get merchandise. This helps creating fans and advertise my artist and the Sony label which is all a part of the brief. The website has interactive features which include a slideshow of pictures from the video shoot along with an audio clip of the song and also links to the tour and merchandise pages.

How do you intend to link your media products to demonstrate your knowledge and understanding of the digitally convergent nature of your media production?

In my both my video and my website I have used the same style along with pictures and clips that feature on both of pieces. The site includes a lot of colours and pictures that are shots from the video shoot in order to show the link between both. Furthermore, I have included links to the music video in order to connect the site to the video and I have a link at the end of the video that goes to the website. But I must advertise Sony and, on my website, and my video I have included their logo as they are the label my artist is signed with and the brief is to create an upcoming Sony artist. I also used a similar colour scheme between both the video and the website, in order to show how the two converge and also to represent the themes of my artist in both.

Music video Finished

Statement of intent

Centre number: 16339   Centre name: Great Baddow High School Candidate number: 5137         Candidate name: Nathan Laville-Farrant Br...